Evelyn Tian

Agile trainer, coach and supervisor,
certified ScrumAlliance trainer

Evelyn Tian

Evelyn Tian is one of the few in the global Scrum community who holds high level coaching and training qualifications. She is Scrum Alliance Certified Team Coach (CTC), Certified Enterprise Coach (CEC), Scrum Alliance Certified Scrum Trainer (CST), Scrum Alliance Certified Agile Leadership Educator and Scrum Alliance Certified Path to CSP Educator.

Evelyn is an experienced coach and trainer with over twenty years of product development experience in product management, project management, system design, software design, system integration and customer support.

Evelyn’s focus is on organization transformational strategy, continuous improvement and enhancing the art and science of crafting software. She headed Ericsson Global Transformation Support Center, providing coaching and training services to all organizations within Ericsson globally. Through coaching teams and organizations. Evelyn has built a lengthy track record and gathered deep insights in coaching organization transformation, agile leadership, and teams to reach their potential. She has designed and delivered agile leadership workshops to hundreds of leaders globally.



Evelyn has designed the programs very carefully, and each and every session was super interactive. It was really great experience to share podium with like minded and like skilled people from different parts of the world! I am very thankful to Evelyn for such wonderful course structures, and well thought of contents and exercises. I will highly recommend the programs to all scrum masters who are willing to take one more step towards the excellence.

Sanvid Bibawanekar
Norway / A-CSM and CSP-SM graduate

I really have learned so much and have enjoyed it. You are a great trainer and an inspiration. I’m so glad I chose you. Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into this course - it’s so evident how passionate you are and how much you care. I really do feel my training with you has been the most beneficial of all my past year of scrum related study and training.

Claire Brown
UK / A-CSM graduate

Evelyn has the ability to feel present in a room, even though it is an online course. What I found to be exceptional about her was the way she challenged us by giving us a problem to solve using only her material and our brains. I loved every second of it.

Josip Jurisic
Croatia / A-CSM, A-CSPO and CSP-SM graduate

Excellent course! Love the international feeling with participants from different continents and the learning from both A-CSM and CSP-SM! Thanks for offering it in a format that made it possible for me as a parent to a child with special needs to make my agile dreams come true without ruining my family life!

Jens Abrahamsson
Sweden / A-CSM and CSP-SM graduate

I have had a long and quite extensive career, with agile coaching being a big part of it. However, Evelyn really made me think deeply and widely about how I approach my work. She has a great style, no PowerPoint is a good start. Her approach to agile is in line with that. Strip back all the non essential stuff and you are left with the core of agile, the stuff that really matters. She has re-awakened many lessons I have had in the past and made them relevant to my day to day work."

Mike Carew
UK / A-CSM and CSP-SM participant

Thank you for a very, very good course. I’ve gotten much out of the sessions! I have quite a few things to test and experiment!Thank you Evelyn Tian I’ve become very inspired by your sessions and will wear the badge with pride!

Johannes Linder
Sweden / A-CSM and CSP-SM graduate

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