We help you grow—as a leader,
a team player, and a person
We help people like you become highly productive and valued employees, leaders, and other professionals using industry-leading methodologies and tools.
How we help
Tailored In-House Training for Improved Effectiveness
Unlock the potential of your team with our in-house on-demand training. Our expert trainers bring flexible, customized sessions directly to your organization, covering essential topics such as Leadership, Teamwork, Customer Satisfaction and Involvement, Vision and Mission, Project and Product Development and Management, Portfolio Management, Goals, and Performance Metrics, as well as fun and insightful team building events. We are experts in Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Project Management, OKRs, ITIL, and others. Elevate your team’s skills and drive performance with a learning experience tailored to your unique needs.
Coaching for Enhanced Performance at Every Level
Elevate your performance at every level with our customized coaching service designed to meet your unique needs and goals, whether for individuals, teams, or entire organizations. Our expert coaches deliver flexible, customized support directly to your organization, focusing on individual, team, and organizational growth. Enhance key skills, improve collaboration, and drive long-term success with a coaching experience tailored to your specific goals and needs.
Certification for Career Advancement and Professional Excellence
Elevate your expertise and enhance your career with our weekly public and in-house certification courses. Designed for today’s fast-paced business environment, our programs empower you to master essential methodologies and achieve professional worldwide recognition.
Latest blog posts

Embracing the Red Card: A Powerful Real-time Feedback Approach
Have you ever wondered how to create an environment that encourages open, honest, and even uncomfortable real-time feedback? As an Agile coach, I believe that continuous improvement thrives on transparency and the courage to address harsh realities. Together with my colleagues from GEDVILLO Consulting we do a lot of workshops and trainings, would like to share an insightful approach that we are recently experimenting with during our workshops – the “Red Card” approach.

Apzinātība un Agile: kāds sakars?
Šajā bloga ierakstā piedāvāsim unikālu skatījumu uz apzinātību kā pamatu veiksmīgai Agile domāšanas veida un Agile prakšu adaptēšanai!

Vai holokrātija ir Agile?
Viens no Agile pieejas pamatprincipiem ir darbinieku un komandu spēja pašorganizēties – patstāvīgi pieņemt lēmumus, kas veicina procesa, komandas darba un organizācijas attīstību vēlamajā virzienā. Pašorganizācija ir pamats arī kādam īpašam organizāciju pārvaldības konceptam – holokrātijai. Šajā bloga ierakstā atklāsim, kas ir holokrātija, tās stiprās un vājās puses, kā arī analizēsim holokrātijas saistību ar Agile pieeju.