One day Alice came to a crossroads and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. “Which road should I take?” she asked. The cat’s answer was a counter question: “Where do you want to go?”.
“I don’t know,” Alice replied.
“Then,” said the cat, “it doesn’t matter. Take any road and you’ll get somewhere, but will it lead to the needed place…”
-Lewis Carroll, “Alice in Wonderland”
Do you ever feel like Alice, and your company is Wonderland? Like, it’s not clear which path you should take, what tasks are priority, how business directives can align, what outcomes to be achieved and why those matters?
Indeed, it is impossible to wander around like Alice in today’s business. We live and work in complex, sometimes even chaotic environments and systems, struggling with uncertainty and the unknown. We need to be united in our goals and results, we need to work as one, we need to help each other and not protect our personal goals and agendas. Today, the challenge is to help the team and the organization by constantly checking, adapting and improving the results and objectives to be achieved. Clear and shared goals and a process that supports their achievement will not only enable the company to survive in a complex and chaotic environment, but also to be one step ahead of competitors and will contribute to the growth of the company.
If you also don’t want to be simply busy and work in several directions, but to focus and deliver what matters – take a look at the OKRs process and we are waiting for you at the training!