Essentials on Agile Mindset

Gedvillo Consulting

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them” – Albert Einstein
Start your Agile journey towards creating more value and smiles from your work!




9:00-18:00 EET


Riga, Latvia




Jānis Lāma
Jānis Lāma
Partner, Agile trainer and coach
  • Single person €340 + VAT

    Price per single ticket

  • Groups from 3 €290 + VAT

    Price per ticket for groups of 3 or more persons

For employees Agile improves

managing changing priorities
0 %
0 %
business/IT alignment
0 %
Delivery speed/ time to market
0 %

Percentage of workers who say the implementation of agile positively impacted the above areas of their organisation
Source: digital AI, 2021

Start asking the right questions

Have you heard that Agile is the way to go if you want to deliver two times faster and two times more? And would you like your team or organization to do just that? Sure you would!

Just, is it really important to deliver twice as fast and deliver twice as much of something? Our experience and that of the industry show that – no!

In the training, we will not focus and talk about “how to deliver two times faster and two times more of something”, but instead we will start with values and principles (not with processes), you will understand what drives Agile and “Where” and “Why” it works. This is how you will be able to avoid unsuccessful Agile implementation and find answers to the following questions:

We are not one of the many “experts” who will rush to your aid and offer Agile as a quick solution to all your problems. You will be able to be inspired by our experience – both successes and failures, and our knowledge from stories where we have participated ourselves and led Agile changes, both at the team and organizational level. This will help you find answers and ask the right questions.

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Introduction to Agile

This training aims to give you the answers to the questions above by walking through real Agile implementation cases from our experience. Additionally, you will receive enough theory and practical tips for the first steps of adopting Agile. Yes, it could sound a bit disappointing – “first step only”, but it is a never-ending journey towards continuous improvements, as everything is constantly changing there is no end state, and you need to be able to adapt to that!

Training topics

What is Agile and what is not Agile?

Agile values and principles

When to use Agile and when not to?

Scrum and Kanban basics

The Agile triangle - working with scope, time / budget and quality

How to implement Agile in a meaningful manner?

Course content

Agile values and principles

The Cynefin framework

Detailed Analysis Product Owner

Introduction to Lean practices

Introduction to most popular practices

Product Owner Backlog Priorities

Who benefits from this training

Agile way of working and also Agile values and principles are not only for IT teams and organizations. More and more organizations outside IT are adopting Agile to achieve their goals and improve their ability to inspect and adapt. At the end of the day, business agility is what matters, it is crucial to not only survive in challenging conditions but to thrive.

This training is for everyone who wants to learn about the Lean-Agile mindset and how it can be used in their team, department or environment in order to deliver more frequent valuable products or services to their customers.



Workshop approach

How will Agile improve your work

Enhance ability to manage changing priorities

Accelerate product or service delivery

Increase team productivity and morale

Improve business and IT alignment

Enhance product or service quality

Improve customer satisfaction

Improve project visibility

Improve employee wellbeing

About the trainer

Jānis Lāma
Jānis Lāma
Partner, Agile trainer and coach

Jānis Lāma was a co-founder of the Agiletransformer movement in Latvia, which brings together various Agile practitioners. He is also a board member of the organisation “Agile Latvia”. “Agile Latvia” organizes smaller regular meetings and the annual “Agile Day Riga” conference, thus promoting the Agile approach in Latvia. He is also an Agile trainer and lecturer at University of Latvia and RISEBA.

He has extensive experience in Agile implementation in various organizations from finance, gaming, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, IT and other industries. He has facilitated various Agile seminars, retreats and workshops (currently there are more than 55 Lean-Agile related workshops in his training portfolio), enjoys working with Leadership people for corporate behaviour/culture change.

Jānis is currently working at “Printify” as Head of Product Operations and as Agile Coach is helping several large organisations in the Baltics and Scandinavia to overcome challenges for enabling Lean-Agile environment and mindset in the company. This process includes tasks such as: tackling the mindset and practices of organisational leaders, portfolio level transparency, process excellence with focus on the end customer value and minimising waste, organisational structures for collaboration, innovation and teamwork, and facilitating the company for the path of continuous improvement.

Jānis has gained various Agile related certifications and is a well-known trainer, currently on his way to become the first Scrum trainer in the Baltics and therefore co-trains Scrum courses with other CST trainers from the Scrum Alliance. He likes to work on the principle “Stop Starting, Start Finishing” and strongly believes in Agile values, especially “People and Interaction over Processes and Tools”.

Get your Agile game on!

Ticket prices

  • Single person €340 + VAT

    Price per single ticket

  • Groups from 3 €290 + VAT

    Price per ticket for groups of 3 or more persons

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